Thursday, 7 October 2010

Visiting My Square

I end up going for an alcohol induced wander through a small part of my square on Monday night. Its not my fault if my square happens to contain a good selection of clubs, bars and pubs! As I said previously, all the squares were chosen at random from a box with no idea what or where we would be choosing. I can't say that I remember much about the walk back through my square, nor the walk there, niether were very eventful.
Yesterday I walked through my square again to go to the cinema which is just on the edge. It was evening so most of the shops were closed. I mentioned in my last blog about feeling bad about the homeless man that I didn't give any money too. There were a lot of homeless peope last night, and that made me think about it some more. So I think that I might go and investgate the 'friend's meeting house' which I assume is a Quaker meeting house, and see if they have a soup kitchen or something that I can volenteer at. With the selfish hope that this will also provide me with some inspiration as to what to do in my square.
I walked through the edge the of my square today, but nothing exciting happened, unfortunatly the bagel shop is just outside of my square, and that is where the exciting things happen.

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